Inspiring students
since 1867
Preparing Effective Lifelong Learners
Thank you for your interest in Porter-Gaud School. We have been inspiring students with a well-rounded, challenging, and innovative independent school education since 1867.
Today, Porter-Gaud holds true to its mission of fostering a challenging academic environment that honors teaching and learning, respects differences, expects honesty, and applauds achievement. All great journeys start with a first step, and we encourage you to find out for yourself what Porter-Gaud is all about.
We look forward to the opportunity to show you our campus, to speak with you about your hopes and dreams for your child(ren), and to answer your questions about our exceptional programs, talented faculty, and the vision for the future of our School.
Visit Us
Pellentesque velit turpis, dignissim eget orci eget, facilisis molestie odio. Proin gravida felis mi, at dapibus ante sagittis et. Quisque pharetra, augue eu vulputate imperdiet, metus massa congue mi, ac iaculis lectus risus vel massa. Nulla tincidunt odio ac lorem hendrerit, laoreet cursus leo pellentesque. Phasellus risus odio, pharetra ac est at, cursus molestie erat. Donec tincidunt, purus sit amet condimentum vulputate, purus nisl pellentesque mi, consectetur suscipit tellus augue in libero. Aliquam consectetur purus in tellus ultrices, eget viverra est placerat.
Duis non fermentum quam. Sed orci sem, euismod vitae congue mollis, tristique eu nibh. Morbi luctus felis faucibus vestibulum blandit. Quisque in dignissim leo. Vestibulum in blandit ex. Donec vitae sem quis mauris maximus volutpat. Nulla lacinia turpis vitae tellus tincidunt, ac aliquet urna sollicitudin.
Make an enquiry
Pellentesque velit turpis, dignissim eget orci eget, facilisis molestie odio. Proin gravida felis mi, at dapibus ante sagittis et. Quisque pharetra, augue eu vulputate imperdiet, metus massa congue mi, ac iaculis lectus risus vel massa. Nulla tincidunt odio ac lorem hendrerit, laoreet cursus leo pellentesque. Phasellus risus odio, pharetra ac est at, cursus molestie erat. Donec tincidunt, purus sit amet condimentum vulputate, purus nisl pellentesque mi, consectetur suscipit tellus augue in libero. Aliquam consectetur purus in tellus ultrices, eget viverra est placerat.
Duis non fermentum quam. Sed orci sem, euismod vitae congue mollis, tristique eu nibh. Morbi luctus felis faucibus vestibulum blandit. Quisque in dignissim leo. Vestibulum in blandit ex. Donec vitae sem quis mauris maximus volutpat. Nulla lacinia turpis vitae tellus tincidunt, ac aliquet urna sollicitudin.
Make an enquiry
Pellentesque velit turpis, dignissim eget orci eget, facilisis molestie odio. Proin gravida felis mi, at dapibus ante sagittis et. Quisque pharetra, augue eu vulputate imperdiet, metus massa congue mi, ac iaculis lectus risus vel massa. Nulla tincidunt odio ac lorem hendrerit, laoreet cursus leo pellentesque. Phasellus risus odio, pharetra ac est at, cursus molestie erat. Donec tincidunt, purus sit amet condimentum vulputate, purus nisl pellentesque mi, consectetur suscipit tellus augue in libero. Aliquam consectetur purus in tellus ultrices, eget viverra est placerat.
Duis non fermentum quam. Sed orci sem, euismod vitae congue mollis, tristique eu nibh. Morbi luctus felis faucibus vestibulum blandit. Quisque in dignissim leo. Vestibulum in blandit ex. Donec vitae sem quis mauris maximus volutpat. Nulla lacinia turpis vitae tellus tincidunt, ac aliquet urna sollicitudin.


Lower School

Middle School

Upper School
Priority Enrollment Statement:
On February 2, 2024, provided the required process (listed below) for Priority Enrollment has been completed, and Porter-Gaud is a good academic and social fit for the student, and we can effectively support your child's learning needs, Porter-Gaud will email online enrollment contracts to the families of current O'Quinn kindergarten students.
Once you receive the online enrollment contract, you will be able to complete the online enrollment process and pay the non-refundable 10% tuition deposit to reserve a space during this early enrollment window.
We realize that families in Charleston have several excellent educational options for their children, and we sincerely hope to have the pleasure of welcoming students from O'Quinn into our rising first grade class in the fall of 2024!
In all circumstances, Porter-Gaud retains discretion in its admission and enrollment decisions.
Complete the O'Quinn Priority Enrollment steps here:
- Submit an Online Inquiry
Begin the process of learning more about the Porter-Gaud difference by completing our brief inquiry form.
This step is required of all families (including those with older children already at Porter-Gaud and those currently enrolled at the O'Quinn Schools of Porter-Gaud).
It must be completed prior to attending a Discover Porter-Gaud Open House or parent meeting.
Complete the form
Attend a Discover Porter-Gaud's Lower School Open House (includes a campus tour)
These parent-only events, hosted by Lauren McClary, Associate Director of Admission & Enrollment, will take place through the fall and winter. They include a presentation providing an overview of the Lower School, a question and answer session, and a campus tour showcasing classes in action.
We can't wait to welcome you to campus! -
Attend the First Grade Preview of Porter-Gaud with Your Current Kindergartener (also required of current families and O'Quinn families)
The First Grade Preview, scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th from 3:30-4:30 p.m., is required for all first grade applicants (including O'Quinn students and students with older siblings on the main campus), and is held once per admission season.
This fun event gives our rising first grade applicants the opportunity visit our campus and get to know potential classmates. Alternatively, it gives our admission staff and Lower School faculty and administrators the opportunity to get to know your child. -
Review Tuition/Fees and Financial Aid
Please click here and take a moment to review our current Tuition and Fees, and familiarize yourself with the Financial Aid process if you plan to apply.
Please note that the tuition and fees will be updated to reflect the 2024-2025 school year in late January 2024
Lorem Ipsum |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit egestas orci, sed laoreet diam posuere vitae. Pellentesque finibus risus eget tortor ullamcorper, sed molestie sem mattis. Curabitur malesuada nunc eros, vel tempor ligula mollis vitae. Nunc rutrum lectus vitae finibus hendrerit. Donec nec turpis sed leo scelerisque tristique. Donec ac iaculis nulla. Proin nibh mi, faucibus quis odio a, faucibus pharetra dolor. Donec eu feugiat arcu. Ut nec dolor commodo, malesuada lacus sit amet, pharetra lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer at sem ac nisi aliquam mollis. |
Below are the required admission application steps. In order for an applicant to be considered in the annual decision round, these steps have a deadline of Friday, February 2nd, 2024.
- Submit an Online Inquiry
An Online Inquiry Form can be submitted here:
Online Inquiry Form
- Attend a Discover Porter-Gaud's Lower School Open House (for parents, and includes a campus tour)
These parent-only events, hosted by Lauren McClary, Associate Director of Admission, Lower School, will take place through the fall and winter. They will include a presentation providing an overview of the Lower School, a question and answer session, and a campus tour showcasing classes in action. We can't wait to welcome you to campus!
Dates offered are:
- Wednesday, October 4, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
- Wednesday, October 25, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
- Tuesday, November 14, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
- Friday, December 1, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
- Thursday, January 18, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Register for the date of your choice
- Complete the Application for Admission Form
Once submitted, an Online Checklist will be generated. After the admission team processes the application (within 24 hours), please log back in (using the login you will create to begin the application) and click on 'View Checklist'.
From the checklist, you can continue with the required steps in the application process. Please keep in mind the deadline of February 2nd to complete the items in this checklist.
Submit the Admission Application
- Review Tuition/Fees and Financial Aid
Please click here and take a moment to review our current Tuition and Fees, and familiarize yourself with the Financial Aid process if you plan to apply.
- Schedule an Individual Parent Meeting (families not local to Charleston)
Out of town families who cannot make it to a Discover Porter-Gaud's Lower School Open House are invited to attend an individual parent meeting with Lauren McClary, Associate Director of Admission and Enrollment, Lower School.
To schedule, please contact:
Kathleen Beck
P: (843) 402-4726
- Send the Teacher Recommendation Form
After completing the admission application, parents can log in to the parent portal, and click on 'View Checklist' to send our specific recommendation form electronically to the current, lead teacher.
- Release of Records
Please click the link below, print the form, complete it, and then take it to your child's current school after the completion of the second quarter.
Parental Authorisation Form For The Release Of Records
This form authorizes your child's school to send standardized test scores, transcripts, and other required records directly to Porter-Gaud.
Please note that submitting this form prior to the end of the second quarter may delay your child's application as we will receive only partial records.
- Register for our Admission Assessment (includes a campus tour and classroom visit for students)
Please register for a Lower School Test and Tour Date.
We administer the OLSAT for applicants to rising first grade. The cost of the OLSAT is included in the first grade application fee.
Click here to register for 1st Grade Assessment (Offered January 22, 2024 and February 5, 2024)
Applicants to rising 2nd-4th grade sit for the ISEE Primary. A separate registration fee is charged at the time of online registration through ISEE by ERB.
Click below to register for one of the listed dates.
- Testing for Grade 2 is offered January 23, 2024 and February 1, 2024. To register, begin by clicking here and selecting 'details' (under 'At School'), then 'Applying to Grades 2-4'. For the January 23rd testing date, enter Event Code 9K9EVHE2. For the February 1st testing date, enter Event Code NBFMUEA6
- Testing for Grade 3 is offered December 7, 2023 and January 19, 2024. To register, begin by clicking here and selecting 'details' (under 'At School'), then 'Applying to Grades 2-4'. For the December 7th testing date, enter Event Code K2WGLXGN. For the January 19th testing date, enter Event Code HZSNSC48
- Testing for Grade 4 is offered December 11, 2023 and January 17, 2024. To register, begin by clicking here and selecting 'details' (under 'At School'), then 'Applying to Grades 2-4'. For the December 11th testing date, enter Event Code NLGJSRCH. For the January 17th testing date, enter Event Code ZJLCWYMW.
For families not local to Charleston, to schedule testing to take place in the admission office during a visit to Charleston, please call:
Kathleen Beck
P: (843) 402-4726
Click here for tips on how to prepare for the ISEE by ERB.
Click here for a guide to interpreting your child's ISEE Score Report.
- Attend the First Grade Preview of Porter-Gaud with Your Current Kindergartener (also required of current families and O'Quinn families).
The First Grade Preview, scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th from 3:30-4:30 p.m., is required for all first grade applicants (including O'Quinn students and students with older siblings on the main campus) and is held once per admission season.
This fun event gives our rising first grade applicants the opportunity visit our campus and get to know potential classmates. Alternatively, it gives our admission staff and Lower School faculty and administrators the opportunity to get to know and observe your child.
Register here
- Admission Decision and Dates
- Application Deadline (annual Decision Round): Friday, February 2, 2024
- Admission Decisions Communicated to Families: Friday, March 8, 2024
- Enrollment Deadline for Accepted Applicants: Friday, March 15, 2024
All applications received after the deadline will be considered on a rolling basis, provided space and financial aid funding (if applicable) remain available.
- Submit an Online Inquiry
An Online Inquiry Form can be submitted by clicking here.
- Attend a Discover Porter-Gaud's Upper School Open House (an event for parents)
These parent-only events, hosted by Paige Baran, Assistant Director of Admission, Middle and Upper School, will take place through the fall and winter. They will include a presentation providing an overview of the Middle and Upper School, a question and answer session, and a campus tour showcasing classes in action. We can't wait to welcome you to campus!
Dates offered are:
- Monday October 9, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Friday, October 20, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Friday, November 10, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Wednesday, November 29, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
- Monday, December 4, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Friday, January 12, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Wednesday, January 31, 10:15-11:45 a.m
Register for the date of your choice
- Attend a Student Shadow Day
As part of the application process, students in grades 5-12 are required to spend a day at Porter-Gaud, in their current grade. This day is designed to help our applicants get a feel for life as a Porter-Gaud student, and is an opportunity for us to get to know your child. Shadow days run from 10:00-2:30, and we are happy to provide a school absence excuse. Please click here to register for the date of your choice, and keep in mind that dates fill quickly. Also, please note that we require an admission application be on file in order for a student to shadow.
Dates offered are:
- Tuesday, October 3, 2023
- Tuesday, October 24, 2023
- Tuesday, November 7, 2023
- Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Tuesday, December 5, 2023
- Tuesday, January 16, 2024
- Monday, January 30, 2024
- Schedule an Individual Family Visit (families not local to Charleston)
Out of town families who cannot make it to a Discover Porter-Gaud's Middle/Upper School Open House are invited to attend an individual parent meeting with Paige Baran, Assistant Director of Admission, Middle and Upper School.
To schedule, please contact:
Kathleen Beck
P: (843) 402-4726
Please note: If the prospective student is in attendance, this can satisfy both the parent visit and "student shadow" day.
- Complete the Application for Admission
Once submitted, an Online Checklist will be generated. After the admission team processes the application (within 24 hours), please log back in (using the login you will create to begin the application) and click on 'View Checklist'. From the checklist, you can continue with the required steps in the application process.
Please keep in mind the deadline of February 2nd to complete the items in this checklist.
Submit the Admission Application
- Review Tuition/Fees and Financial Aid
Please click here and take a moment to review our current Tuition and Fees, and familiarize yourself with the Financial Aid process if you plan to apply.
- Submit Three (3) Teacher/Principal Recommendation Forms
After completing the admission application, parents can log in to the parent portal, and click on 'View Checklist' to send our specific recommendation forms electronically to the current math teacher, English teacher, and principal.
- Release of Records
Please print the form linked below, complete it, and then take it to your child's current school after the completion of the second quarter. This form authorizes your child's school to send standardized test scores, transcripts, and other required records directly to Porter-Gaud.
Parental Authorisation Form For The Release Of Records
Please note that submitting this form prior to the end of the second quarter may delay your child's application as we will receive only partial records.
- Register for Admission Testing
Prospective students sit for the ISEE admission test, which is offered at Porter-Gaud in the months of November, December and January, and at prometric testing centers across the world (for students not local to Charleston).
Registration for a test date is required and typically shuts down a few weeks prior to the testing date. Please register as soon as possible.
Below are the dates testing is held at Porter-Gaud: (If you aren't local to Charleston, click here to find a testing center in your area.)
- Saturday, November 11, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Online)
- Saturday, December 2, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Online)
- Saturday, January 6, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Paper)
- Saturday, January 20, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Paper)
- Saturday, January 27, 2024, 9:00-12:00 (Online)
(If asked, Porter-Gaud's code is 410412)
Click here for tips on how to prepare for the ISEE by ERB.
Click here for a guide to interpreting your child's ISEE Score Report.
Admission Decision and Dates
- Application Deadline (annual Decision Round): Friday, February 2, 2024
- Admission Decisions Communicated to Families: Friday, March 8, 2024
- Enrollment Deadline for Accepted Applicants: Friday, March 15, 2024
All applications received after the deadline will be considered on a rolling basis, provided space and financial aid funding (if applicable) remain available.
- Submit an Online Inquiry
An Online Inquiry Form can be submitted by clicking the link below:
Online Inquiry Form
- Attend a Discover Porter-Gaud's Upper School Open House (an event for parents)
These parent-only events, hosted by Paige Baran, Assistant Director of Admission, Middle and Upper School, will take place through the fall and winter. They will include a presentation providing an overview of the Middle and Upper School, a question and answer session, and a campus tour showcasing classes in action.
We can't wait to welcome you to campus!
Dates offered are:
- Monday October 9, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Friday, October 20, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Friday, November 10, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Wednesday, November 29, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
- Monday, December 4, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Friday, January 12, 10:15-11:45 a.m.
- Wednesday, January 31, 10:15-11:45 a.m
Register here for the date of your choice
- Attend a Student Shadow Day
As part of the application process, students in grades 5-12 are required to spend a day at Porter-Gaud, in their current grade. This day is designed to help our applicants get a feel for life as a Porter-Gaud student, and is an opportunity for us to get to know your child. Shadow days run from 10:00-2:30, and we are happy to provide a school absence excuse.
Please click here to register for the date of your choice, and keep in mind that dates fill quickly. Also, please note that we require an admission application be on file in order for a student to shadow.
Dates offered are:
- Tuesday, October 3, 2023
- Tuesday, October 24, 2023
- Tuesday, November 7, 2023
- Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Tuesday, December 5, 2023
- Tuesday, January 16, 2024
- Monday, January 30, 2024
- Schedule an Individual Family Visit (families not local to Charleston)
Out of town families who cannot make it to a Discover Porter-Gaud's Middle/Upper School Open House are invited to attend an individual parent meeting with Paige Baran, Assistant Director of Admission, Middle and Upper School.
To schedule, please contact:
Kathleen Beck
P: (843) 402-4726
Please note: If the prospective student is in attendance, this can satisfy both the parent visit and "student shadow" day.
- Complete the Application for Admission
Once submitted, an Online Checklist will be generated. After the admission team processes the application (within 24 hours), please log back in (using the login you will create to begin the application) and click on 'View Checklist'. From the checklist, you can continue with the required steps in the application process. Please keep in mind the deadline of February 2nd to complete the items in this checklist.
Submit the Admission Application
- Review Tuition/Fees and Financial Aid
Please click here and take a moment to review our current Tuition and Fees, and familiarize yourself with the Financial Aid process if you plan to apply.
- Submit Three (3) Teacher/Principal Recommendation Forms
After completing the admission application, parents can log in to the parent portal, and click on 'View Checklist' to send our specific recommendation forms electronically to the current math teacher, English teacher, and principal.
- Release of Records
Please click the link below, print the form, complete it, and then take it to your child's current school after the completion of the second quarter. This form authorizes your child's school to send standardized test scores, transcripts, and other required records directly to Porter-Gaud.
Parental Authorisation Form For The Release Of Records
Please note that submitting this form prior to the end of the second quarter may delay your child's application as we will receive only partial records.
- Register for Admission Testing
Prospective students sit for the ISEE admission test, which is offered at Porter-Gaud in the months of November, December and January, and at prometric testing centers across the world (for students not local to Charleston).
Registration for a test date is required and typically shuts down a few weeks prior to the testing date. Please register as soon as possible.
Below are the dates testing is held at Porter-Gaud: (If you aren't local to Charleston, click here to find a testing center in your area.)
- Saturday, November 11, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Online)
- Saturday, December 2, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Online)
- Saturday, January 6, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Paper)
- Saturday, January 20, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Paper)
- Saturday, January 27, 2024, 9:00-12:00 (Online)
(If asked, Porter-Gaud's code is 410412)
Click here for tips on how to prepare for the ISEE by ERB.
Click here for a guide to interpreting your child's ISEE Score Report.
- Admission Decision and Dates
- Application Deadline (annual Decision Round): Friday, February 2, 2024
- Admission Decisions Communicated to Families: Friday, March 8, 2024
- Enrollment Deadline for Accepted Applicants: Friday, March 15, 2024
All applications received after the deadline will be considered on a rolling basis, provided space and financial aid funding (if applicable) remain available.
Reviews &



“A Porter-Gaud education has provided me with a glimpse of what to expect in college. The courses are interesting and they prepared me for the next step in my education journey. The teachers were both helpful and took great interest in my future and provided assistance when necessary. Further, the interaction among students and faculty was an educational experience in and of itself. Besides the learning, I have met with what I consider to be lifelong friends!”
“A Porter-Gaud education has provided me with a glimpse of what to expect in college. The courses are interesting and they prepared me for the next step in my education journey. The teachers were both helpful and took great interest in my future and provided assistance when necessary. Further, the interaction among students and faculty was an educational experience in and of itself. Besides the learning, I have met with what I consider to be lifelong friends!”
“A Porter-Gaud education has provided me with a glimpse of what to expect in college. The courses are interesting and they prepared me for the next step in my education journey. The teachers were both helpful and took great interest in my future and provided assistance when necessary. Further, the interaction among students and faculty was an educational experience in and of itself. Besides the learning, I have met with what I consider to be lifelong friends!”
“A Porter-Gaud education has provided me with a glimpse of what to expect in college. The courses are interesting and they prepared me for the next step in my education journey. The teachers were both helpful and took great interest in my future and provided assistance when necessary. Further, the interaction among students and faculty was an educational experience in and of itself. Besides the learning, I have met with what I consider to be lifelong friends!”