

Weekly Updates


We hope everyone has remained safe and warm during this winter storm and has had some time to enjoy some rare snow days in Charleston. 

Update: Valentine’s Day Social Cancelled
Due to the timing of this year’s Winter Break, the Valentine’s Day Social, originally scheduled for February 14, has been cancelled. The Garnet & Grey captains, in collaboration with the faculty and administration, are planning several new fun spring events for students to spend time in fellowship. 

  • Middle School Spirit Week – February 12, 13, and 14 - Details to follow about the dress-down days
  • 5th & 6th Grade Picnic on the Green – April 11, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • 7th & 8th Grade Spring Social – April 11, 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Rescheduled: AMC-8 Math Competition
Due to the winter storm, the AMC math competition will take place on Tuesday, January 28. The schedule will be flipped that day with G block first and C block last. This will allow students to participate in the competition in the morning without missing any classes.

Out-of-Town Winterim Meeting and Travel Form Requirements  
We invite you to join our Out-of-Town Winterim Parent Meeting next Monday, January 27, at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. This is a chance to meet trip leaders and hear detailed itineraries, departure information, and other important information. This is for Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Florida Keys, Sports Marketing, and Disney Leadership Winterims. Please complete the Google Form here if you plan to attend. Recordings of the meetings will be posted later that afternoon for the parents and guardians who are unable to attend. 

Zoom Meeting Links: 

Costa Rica: Link

Disney Leadership: Link

Florida Keys: Link

Puerto Rico: Link

Sports Marketing: Link

Additionally, the following required forms are due to Mr. Weaver no later than Monday, February 10. 

Puerto Rico and Florida Keys:

  • Permission to travel form (notarized and submitted to Ms. Hawkins).
  • Birth certificate or passport photos emailed to Mr. Weaver or submitted in person to Ms. Hawkins. 

Costa Rica:

  • Permission to travel form (notarized and submitted to Ms. Hawkins).
  • Passport photos emailed to Mr. Weaver or submitted in person to Ms. Hawkins.

*Ms. Foerster will be in the Middle School lobby on Wednesday, February 5 from 7:45-8:45 a.m. to provide notary services. 

Preparing for 2025-2026 Re-Enrollment 
Re-enrollment contracts will be sent to all eligible families on Monday, February 3, and the re-enrollment window will be open from February 3-14. For more information about the contract timeline and schedule, withdrawals, re-enrollment eligibility, and tuition refund and payment plan options, please click here. If your student plans to attend a new school in the fall or if you are considering other school options, please email Ken Hyde at

Substance Use Education and Prevention for PG Students and Families
Chris Herren, former NBA player, author, and wellness advocate, will visit campus on Thursday, January 30, to share an empowering and inspiring message about substance use education and prevention with students in grades 7-12. He will also speak to parents and caregivers in the evening from 6-7 p.m. in Gwynette Auditorium. Childcare is also available for ages 5 and up. Click here to learn more about the program and to RSVP. We hope you can join us! 

Reminder About Caffeinated Beverages
Students are not allowed to have caffeinated beverages in school. Please do not send your child in with energy drinks, such as Celsius, Red Bull, or similar beverages. 

PG Service: Hurricane Helene Fundraiser
On Friday, January 24, PG will host a joint fundraiser with First Baptist to support Hurricane Helene recovery efforts. We hope you can join us!  Click here for more information

Dining Update from Taher
Follow Taher on Instagram (@taherpgdining) to see the latest offerings in Washington Hall. You are also welcome to email with any questions or feedback. To access daily menus, please click here

From Our Chaplains
Click here to read reflections from our chaplains, access recommended resources, and request prayer. 

From the PGPA

  • Winter Meeting (note new date): All parents and caregivers are invited and encouraged to attend the PGPA Winter Meeting on Monday, January 27 in Washington Hall at 8 a.m.
  • Concessions: Please click here to sign up for shifts and support our Cyclone sports teams.

Important Dates 

  • January 30: PG Wellness Speaker Series: Chris Herren
  • February 7: Grandparents and Special Friends Day
  • February 17 & 18: Winter Break - School Closed
  • March 14: No School: Faculty Work Day
  • March 22: PGPA Spring Party at 4 p.m., John Singleton Stadium
  • March 26: Conference Day
  • March 31 - April 4: Spring Break
  • April 18: Good Friday - School Closed
  • April 21: Easter Monday - School Closed
  • April 27: Spring Arts Festival
  • May 26: Memorial Day - School Closed
  • May 30: Last Day of School