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When you step into Tyler Hall and Science & Technology building, the energy is palpable. Capitalizing on the enthusiasm and curiosity of these adolescent students, our faculty design hands-on, student-centered learning experiences. On a typical day, you might see students testing roofing materials on model houses as they discuss solar energy; hear students debating cultural topics in one of four languages as they expand their global horizons; feel students supported through our carefully aligned writing program as they begin to find their own voice; and experience the passion of students solving problems of the future logically through their understanding of mathematics and holistically through their learning from the past. When our students step on the theater stage or put on their Cyclone jersey, we help them see themselves as part of something bigger, something special.

"Middle School is a crucial time in a child's development. At Porter-Gaud, we focus on the whole child and help each student build executive function skills and social-emotional intelligence skills, with the goal of making them effective self-advocates. We accomplish this through the framework of our Vision of a Learner, which endeavors to make all students flexible problem solvers, resilient individuals, ethical decision-makers, empathetic collaborators, globally-oriented citizens, engaged learners, and discerning thinkers. When our students complete Middle School, we not only celebrate who they are but who they are becoming."Dr. Michael Wright, Head of Middle School 

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