PGPA Volunteer Form


Volunteer With Us!

The Porter-Gaud Parent Association (PGPA) works all year to assist the school in hosting various functions and activities to help build community.  We rely on volunteers to make these events happen, so if you are interested in helping us, please fill out the form below so we can know what interests you most!  Choose as many options as you would like. 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The Porter-Gaud Parent Association has a variety of volunteer opportunities to fit your availability and talents. Please sign up for the events and activities that interest you.

Sign up to work at events during the year (2 hours). Check all that apply.

Sign up to work events during the year (1-2 hours).

Lower and Middle School Halloween celebration on campus. Help needed planning and jobs, big and small.

Family gathering held on a Saturday with food trucks, music, and vendors.

All-school Spring Party. Help is needed for jobs big and small. 

PG Community Building

Faculty, Facilities Staff, and Dining Hall Staff Appreciation
Help show our faculty, facilities staff, and dining team our appreciation by providing food, drink for monthly buffets or gift cards for raffles. The team leads will send out a sign up genius for monthly events. 

Opportunities to show our faculty, facilities staff, and Taher dining team members our appreciation.

Opportunities to show our faculty, facilities, and Taher Dining teams our appreciation.

Works with Porter-Gaud to build an inclusive and welcoming community.

Weekly prayer sessions and fellowship for parents and caregivers. 

Works with Porter-Gaud to build an inclusive and welcoming community. 

Family Wellness

Works with deans and counselors to host and plan family wellness topics, programs, or speakers.
